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Reflective Practice

Combined Learning Artifact

I personally believe that reflective practice will continue to play a pivotal role in my development as a teacher and within the framework of the continuum of teacher education and lifelong learning. Jim Gleeson (2014) points out that teachers early years in the profession are characterized by an idealistic enthusiasm that typically lasts about 7 years. In order the combat the likes of complacence within career, I personally believe keeping a reflective journal centred around not only teaching practice and approaches but also recent academic journals and publications will not only help maintain a level enthusiasm but also assist in professional development. I believe as teachers we must always acknowledge that we can learn more and do better. Reflective practice is just one way to work towards that. The following document is a qualitative response to the school placement which took place from January 6th – March 10th, 2022. The purpose of this paper was to carefully examine and critically analyse the planning, teaching and assessment that took place by using Brookfield’s four lenses of Reflection. This consists of self-analysis, while also considering the views of students, colleagues and relevant theorists. By doing so, it has enabled me to theorize my practice which will ultimately foster the requisite inquiry skills of the artist-teacher-researcher.

© Rebekah Nolan 2023

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