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Teaching Strategies & Differentiation 

SEN Case Study

Creating a safe learning environment that is inclusive of the needs of all young learners and that is conducive to learning is essential. I believe educators must set high expectations for student performance and behaviour. Throughout my teacher training and into career I have and will take all reasonable steps in relation to the care of my young learners under their supervision, so as to ensure their safety and welfare. In doing so, it is essential to identify approached to integrating literacy and numeracy strategies into both lesson plans and units of learning to ensure students are supported in this regard. My approaches are evident within the Teacher Page in this website. As part of my PME, I completed a case study on one particular student who had been diagnosed with ADHD and had a lot of disciplinary issues across all subjects. Trough implementing different teaching strategies and differentiation techniques, I strove to create an inclusive enjoyable space where he could develop his artistic practice. With his class, I conducted a Unit of Lesson which required students to observe, deconstruct and reconstruct found objects, forcing them to see these throw away objects through a different lens and create a design for a clay mask. As this student tended to daydream quite a bit, a lot of 1:1 time was required to help him continue and develop his design. I also made any visual resources I used in a lesson available on Google classroom which we often utilised and examined. This highlighted how the use of ICT can be of benefit to teaching and learning, as the student referred to Google Classroom often. By implementing different teaching strategies which were inclusive of this student’s learning needs, his designs continued to develop in a creative and unique way. By the end of this project, his mas gathered a lot of attention when it was on display in the school, which in itself is an awarding aspect of the work he produced, allowing the Student to feel proud of the work he has accomplished.

© Rebekah Nolan 2023

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