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Teacher Researcher 

Research Report 

To what extent can Conversational Pedagogy enhance Students Critical Thinking and Reflective Skills?

This study, which aligns with my own teaching philosophy, focused on how Converstational Pedagogy can enhance students critical thinking and Reflective skills in relation to their own art practice. One key finding was that teachers should be caring, fair and committed to the best interests of the young learners in front of them. The role of a teacher is often defined as a person who inspires, motivates, encourages and imparts knowledge to learners. In order to this successfully to do this, I believe it is imperative that a teacher creates an atmosphere where students can feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and ideas, this is particularly important as an art teacher. In order to create a space where students feel comfortable, I feel it is important to focus on yourself and your approach to students as a teacher. In order to foster an environment where students feel comfortable to openly express their thoughts and idea within whole class discussions, the teacher must create a space of safety, respect and approachability. In my experience, this can be done by simply being kind and warm towards your students, and importantly showing them that you value their opinions and ideas equally. I personally think, respect is the foundation in building a teacher- student relationship. Yet respect is earned, it cannot be demanded. I believe you must respect the students for them to respect you.

© Rebekah Nolan 2023

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