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My aim for curriculum planning is to provide students with exciting and dynamic concepts through an array of interesting projects. Thus prompting students to genuinely engage with the concept and to begin on a journey of investigation and creativity. Through their journey students will be required to question, consider, problem solve and develop; creating original imagery. This approach to curriculum planning allows students to develop critical thinking together  with skills acquisition in a wide variety of areas, such as photography, print, painting, animation and ceramics. As a teacher there are a number of approaches needed to achieve this. The first is the over arching curriculum development plan similar to the one provided below and the second is reflective practice  practice. My approach to reflective practice is evident within the 'Padlet' and my lesson plans available under 'Evidence of Practice'.

Subject Department Planning

Below is a sample of a curriculum plan, this can be adapted based on the needs of the learners. My approach to curriculum planning is based on a spiral curriculum, where significant concepts or processes will be revisited as student’s progress through their education. Each time a concept or process is revisited, students will deepen their understanding and will be presented with more challenging projects. An overarching aim is to inspire students to become more involved in the art world through, organising trips to local galleries, while introducing students to local artists and contemporary artist's. â€‹This document outlines my approach to both the Junior and Senior cycle in one academic year. 

Planning & Reflective Practice 

Reflective practice will continue to play a pivotal role in my development as a teacher and within the framework of the continuum of teacher education and lifelong learning. Below is an example of how I used Padlet to continually document the progress of each project as it was being rolled out with this classroom. It proved to be a useful tool to see how students work was developing, along with reflecting on the steps need to enhance and progress the project. Importantly I also documented what I felt to be the achievements and shortfall of each project, enabling me to enhance my professional practice should I ever revisit these projects in the future. 

© Rebekah Nolan 2023

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